Sunday, March 14, 2010

A New Beginning

Well a couple of weeks ago I came to the conclusion that God wants me to share my advice with people. A friend told to me to start a blog and starting it up that way. I hope to eventually write books and such, but for now I'm going to start here and try and build up. So... things have really changed for me in a little over a year, well a I guess a year and a half.

It's amazing I go from not having a boyfriend to having one in one weeks time. Then several months later I find that I'm pregnant. Things, obviously changed in my life. My husband and I tied the knot in May of '09. October '09 it had been a year that my husband and I had been together and this coming May will be our anniversary. My daughter is almost 6 months old and just cute as can be and I couldn't be happier. I love being a mom and a wife and even though it came early and not exactly in the right order, I'm still so happy for the gifts I've been given.

I'm hoping to share my story and my advice in these blogs and hopefully reach out to many young people and mabye even older people, who will listen. I want to share God's love with others. I noticed one day that while talking to my brother and giving advice that this is what God wants me to do. As I was talking to him I realized something just took over me and it was no longer me truly speaking, it was God using me. So I hope He'll bless this blog and that I can reach all of you out there and hopefully spread my wings and write books, paint pictures, and maybe even start my own business, who knows.

So I hope you all will join and take my words to heart.

With love from Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started a blog. They are fun to do. Both Zane and Clare have one. Look forward to reading the next post:)
