Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Horrible day!

Over the weekend I enjoyed a wonderful day with my girls at a local pumpkin patch! Took a lot of pictures and loved every bit of it with them. This was all on Saturday... and let me just say I had some gorgeous pictures of my girls. So onto Sunday...

I wake up and head to church and we talked about a break in that happened there, and spoke of forgiveness to that person. My mom and I and of course, the girls, go to Zaxby's and it was packed. A bigger booth opened up across from us and we decide to switch to it, in the time we made it over there it turns out someone decided to steal my phone. I realize within minutes that its gone and I start freaking out. Then it hits me that I didn't misplace it and the tears start to come. Now I could care less about my actual phone, but I do care about all those beautiful pictures of my girls that are now completely gone. I didn't have them backed up on anything, so they're just gone. I wish I had understood that better, but unfortunately I didn't.

The weird thing is that my phone was immediately shut off by whoever took it. So I was pretty depressed about it the whole day! I have to keep reminding myself that I have the real deal with me all the time, but who wouldn't be heartbroken over that? I was just so darn excited about those pictures.

So I changed all my passwords that day and then found an app Monday morning that can download if someone turns my phone on. This app can help locate it and do some other things, maybe even help me get my pics off of it. I just wish it would get turned on, so I could find out if it would work.

I know that my phone is most likely long gone, but I can't help but hope that it will come back to me someone. Maybe someone will have a change of heart and try and return it, or maybe this app will work and I can get my pics. I keep praying about it and visited pawn shops today. They said I could fill out a police report, but I'm not sure how much that will help, if most likely they'll find it with all the pics already gone...

I just wish I understood why someone would do this and what all this means. The person immediately shut it off and hasn't used it for anything and it stills goes to my voicemail. hmmmm...

I guess God just had to test me with my forgiveness... :)

I'm still sad and thinking in my head I wish I had done this or I wish I hadn't done that... Honestly I just have to constantly remind myself that its ok, my kids are ok, I'm ok, and life will go on. I do forgive the person and haven't put much thought in how I think about them... I just wish they'd give it back. So interesting weekend... still praying, though.

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